
Message from the Director

Rob Williams UALaw_photog Molly Condit 2017

Warm regards,
Robert A. Williams Jr.
Regents Professor, E. Thomas Sullivan Professor of Law and Founding Faculty Chair,
Indigenous Peoples Law and Policy Program,
The University of Arizona Rogers College of Law
Tucson, Arizona 85721

It is my great pleasure to welcome you to NativeNet, a dynamic space where education, innovation, and community converge. Our collaborative efforts with the Native Nations Institute (NNI) have given rise to the UA Tribal Microcampus Model aligning with the University of Arizona's 2019 Strategic Plan to serve the Nation-building aspirations, professional development needs, and capacity-building goals of Native Nations and  indigenous communities in Arizona, the United States and around the world. The Judge Lawrence Huerta Student Learning Center, within the Pascua Yaqui Tribe - University of Arizona Microcampus, underscoresour commitment to providing a technologically enriched learning environment and student expperience. As you explore the resources and courses available to you on UANativeNet, know that this platform is designed to empower you in your educational journey. Thank you for being a part of this transformative community, where education knows no bounds, and our communities thrive.

Robert A. Williams, Jr.

Justin Boro

Justin Boro

Assistant Director, Indigenous Peoples Law and Policy Program
Vishal Gaikwad

Vishal Gaikwad

Web Developer Lead, Indigenous Peoples Law & Policy Program
Amy Pettifer

Amy Pettifer

Administrator, The Pascua Yaqui Tribe - University of Arizona Microcampus